Caret Studio
Practice for architecture, urbanism and research. Caret is a typographic symbol that indicates where a word or phrase is missing, from the Latin caret “it lacks, to be free form”. Caret Studio comes into play when something is lacking, reports the absence and highlights the necessity. Caret Studio has been founded in 2014 by Matteo Chelazzi, Federico Cheloni and Giulio Margheri.
2005 StoDistante
StoDistante is a reflection on the new forms of social distancing imposed during the spread of the Covid-19 emergency. The project developed by Carestudio is intended as a temporary solution for a conscious use of Vicchio’s Piazza Giotto under Italy’s current safety measures. Stodistante is conceived as a platform for citizens to reclaim and reactivate open spaces through the hosting of a series of initiatives as rules are relaxed in the coming weeks.
The region of Tuscany established 1.80m as the minimum safe distance to be maintained between people to limit the spread of the virus. This dimension became the design tool to create a safe grid to guide the movement of people around the square. The regular grid has been developed into a pattern, composed by a gradient of squares of differing dimensions, creating new perspectives and interactions within the existing context.
Stodistante is a design strategy applied for the first time in Vicchio, but with the potential to be deployed in different public areas in towns and cities. The idea is to create a temporary infrastructure for a new social life, becoming an opportunity to reflect on the use of public spaces during these times.
Status: Built Program: Temporary Installation Site: Vicchio FI Project year: 2020
1910 Neirivue
The school is shaped as a compact building, inspired by form and position of the local vernacular architecture.
The massing is generated by the existing and proposed paths, to which complete permeability is left. The building is thus emptied to allow passage and connection between different accesses to the site; the roof rises and tilts to suggest the entrances, allowing the architecture to integrate harmoniously into the surrounding context.
Designed with: Studio AFSa + aei progetti
Status: Competition Program: School Site: Neirivue-CH Project Year: 2019
1807 Villa Boulevard
Villa Boulevard is a three years long renovation project of a liberty villa. The project maintain some of the iconic element of the original building, such as the facades and the internal stone staircase, while the whole interior has been redesign to respond to the current needs of the client.
The palette of new materials and design elements inserted generate a dynamic dialogue with the liberty character of the building.
Photos by: Valentina Muscedra
Status: Built Program: Residential Site: Florence-IT Project Year: 2018-2019
1913 Blue Eyes House
The private apartment is located in an historical building in the center of Milan. The apartment has been adapted to the needs of a young family, with a clear division between the day and night area. The living room, kitchen, studio, and game area are organised along the square, in constant contact with the city, while the three bedrooms and services face the quiet inner courtyard.
The house is articulated around a functional spine, that is both a division wall and a functional belt, where the arches and their color mark the threshold between the two areas of the house.
Photos : Piercarlo Quecchia (DSL Studio)
Status: Completed Program: Residential Site: Milan-IT Project Year: 2019-2020
1908 Nepomuk
The idea is to create three separate buildings to ensure maximum transparency towards the interior gardens. The three buildings are physically separated but are designed as a single composition, in fact, the height increases gently as you approach the corner, the point of maximum height. Most of the gardens are destined for the inhabitants of the complex, while a strip located near the buildings is intended for private gardens, in direct connection with the apartments. The plants develop around a central core composed of stiff “wet” blocks (bathrooms on which kitchens are attached) and vertical distribution, each floor has four apartments. In the 3 blocks, there are different situations due to urban planning requests and therefore the 3 blocks have terraces in different points, creating a certain variation.
Designed with: Kollektiv A Architektur
Status: Competition Program: Residential Site: Munich-DE Project year: 2019
1914 Carnophobia
The project is a speculation about a near future where the environmental condition will be so compromised because of our meat consumption, that the International Organisation will have to take a severe position.
Nowadays the meat production is responsible for 1/4 of the greenhouses gas, and according to the previsions it is a number that will keep on growing in the coming years.
What will it happen if the actual trend does not change?
In a future were veganism will be the norm on speciesism, and meat eaters will be first denigrated and then banned, what would it be the future of the meat related architectural typologies? The project is an exploration on butchers, slaughterhouses, meat farms, their new function and meaning in a society with different consumptions.
Status: Completed Program: Research Site: Deutsche Hygiene Museum Dresden-DE Project year: 2019
1905 Borgo Stella
The focus of renovation was to resolve some functional aspect of living the apartment, the project transform those critical issues in new spaces that change spatiality of the flat. Before the intervention, people need to cross living room to reach shower from bathroom. Our idea is to close this space and make this link as a part of the bathroom. This space is clustered with a small closet and a garret in order to create a small architecture that animate the space of the apartement.
Designed with: Margherita Basso. Photos by: Lorenzo Ferroni.
Status: Built Program: Residential Site: Florence-IT Project year: 2019
The Frame Store is designed and built by students of the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK), using materials by Pyrasied to create a retail space that reflects the Frame brand. The concept of duality and Frame’s mission to empower spatial excellence were the inspiration for the design. The store FRAME x KABK was built for the first time during the DDW 2016. After this collaboration FRAME Publishers decided to work again with students from the Interior Architecture and Furniture Design department of the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague under the guidance of Caret and Agency Agency.
Status: Built Program: Pop-up Store Site: Eindhoveen-NL Project year: 2017
1703 New Proximities
Taufkirchen is considered a blueprint for the upcoming development of the city, a new coexistence of work and production together with a set of collective spaces. The different nature of the blocks are physically declared in its image. The two-storey podium attracts different functions serving as the entrance for the residential units and connects the parking plot. The residential building is a linear block placed on top of the podium. The architectural ambition is to develop a language based on simple modules cabable of hosting the complexity of the new forms of working and living; a modularity that allows to place the system in different contexts without losing its expression.
Designed with: Enrico Casagni
Status: Competition - First prize ex-equo Program: Housing+Working spaces Site: Munich-DE Project year: 2017
1201 House C
The project consists in the renovation and extension of an existing house in the center of Viareggio. We thought at the functional elements as separate volumes able to enrich the spaces with multiple functions: in this way the roof of the kitchen becomes an external stair that connects the garden and balcony while the laundry is merged to the internal stair to become a separation element between the “public” and the private part of the house. Traditional materials are used in a functional way, structural choices give the maximum flexibility to the interior spaces.
Photos by: Lorenzo Ferroni
Status: Built Program: Private House Site: Viareggio-IT Project year: 2012
1401 Bacherstraße
The group selected by the jury of Europan12 in 2013 was invited by the client to join a second phase of selection, further developing the design of a housing complex in Munich and rethinking some of the principles. The three housing blocks are separated by glazed bodies with the dual function of expanding the space of living while shielding the court from the noise of Chiemgaustrasse. The different types of apartment rotate around the service “core”: the bedroom faces the courtyard with small terraces while the living area is protected from the main road on south through an efficient frame in terms of noise reduction. The project won this second phase of selection.
Designed with: Luca Belatti + Enrico Casagni
Status: Competition - First prize Program: Housing Site: Munich-DE Project year: 2017
1601 Innovating Primary
The new center for social and youth aggregation of Poggibonsi is articulated into the three volumes of school, gym, civic center. The school block is oriented along the south-east axis to get the best solar radiation and faces the new public park. The gym occupies the opposite side of the lot and marks a reference point for pedestrians arriving from the town center. The civic center is the connecting hub between the school and the gym on the one axis, and between the driveway and the pedestrian entrance on the other. Here takes shape the Agora, focal point of the project, a flexible double-height space that visually and functionally connects the system and whose wooden terraced stair is place for socialization, space for concerts and events.
Designed with: Enrico Casagni
Status: Competition Program: School+Gym+Civic center Site: Poggibonsi-IT Project year: 2016
1102 Civic Central
Castelnuovo is a small town severely hit by a heartquake in 2009, after wich the inhabitants were forced to move in an emercengy camp nearby, living in temporary homes with no space for common activities. With the University of Florence we designed a prefabricated wooden technology civic center hosting church, offices, polifunctional spaces and day-hospital. The three main blocks reflect three groups of functions, the intersetion generates a distribution hall with the services.
Designed with: Enrico Casagni + Elisa Di Martino
Status: Un-built Program: Civic center Site: L'Aquila-IT Project year: 2012
1502 FFF
This facade renovation project of an existing building aims to rediscover an original condition, highlighting the qualities of the building and reducing the problematic aspects. The first operation was to give more importance to the street level by creating a horizontal stone-effect band in shades of green, in continuity with the interior spaces. The next step was to work on the upper volume in order of achieving more graceful proportions, inserting relieved portions between the two levels of restored windows to get the perception of a single overlying element.
Status: Built Program: Facade Redesign Site: Barga-IT Project year: 2015
1907 Limonaia Studio
The project is the reconversion of a 1930's lemon greenhouse into apartment. This glass and exposed-brick structure was built on a perimetral wall of the property, so the wall becomes the generating element of the interior spaces. kitchen, living, bedroom with its open wardrobe and bathroom follow each other, leaning on the wall. The choice of materials such as iron, handmade terracotta, concrete and the original wooden doors are a tribute to the history of the "Limonaia" and the Liberty style in Mugello. A small retreat in the countryside near Florence.
Status: On-going Program: Private house Site: Mugello-IT Project year: 2019
1804 Moiata Complex
Podere Moiata was a deteriorate agricultural complex made of a farmhouse, a barn and a shed. The project foresees the structural and sismic reinforcement of the existing buildings, besides few volumetric addition and the functional reorganization of the internal spaces for the conversion of the complex into a holiday residence. The typical features of rural tuscan architecture, such as exposed local stone and wood, are respected and emphasized with some modern details that play and dialogue with the tradition.
Status: On-going Program: Hotel Site: Mugello-IT Project year: 2018
1906 Dry–stones Pool
The project aims to harmonize swimming pool and landscape in a respectful way. The dry-stone walls of tuscan tradition are inspiration for the project, defining the geometries of solarium and swimming pool by keeping them together as a single entity. The pool overlooks the panorama of the valley and fits harmoniously into the topography of the land, adapts to the contours and emerges from the ground in a measured and balanced way with only some dry walls, giving the perception to have always been part of the history of the place.
Status: On-going Program: Swimming pool Site: Mugello-IT Project year: 2019
Caret Studio
Practice for architecture, urbanism and research. Caret is a typographic symbol that indicates where a word or phrase is missing, from the Latin caret “it lacks, to be free form”. Caret Studio comes into play when something is lacking, reports the absence and highlights the necessity. Caret Studio has been founded in 2014 by Matteo Chelazzi, Federico Cheloni and Giulio Margheri.
2005 StoDistante
StoDistante is a reflection on the new forms of social distancing imposed during the spread of the Covid-19 emergency. The project developed by Carestudio is intended as a temporary solution for a conscious use of Vicchio’s Piazza Giotto under Italy’s current safety measures. Stodistante is conceived as a platform for citizens to reclaim and reactivate open spaces through the hosting of a series of initiatives as rules are relaxed in the coming weeks.
The region of Tuscany established 1.80m as the minimum safe distance to be maintained between people to limit the spread of the virus. This dimension became the design tool to create a safe grid to guide the movement of people around the square. The regular grid has been developed into a pattern, composed by a gradient of squares of differing dimensions, creating new perspectives and interactions within the existing context.
Stodistante is a design strategy applied for the first time in Vicchio, but with the potential to be deployed in different public areas in towns and cities. The idea is to create a temporary infrastructure for a new social life, becoming an opportunity to reflect on the use of public spaces during these times.
Status: Built Program: Temporary Installation Site: Vicchio-IT Project year: 2020
1910 Neirivue
The school is shaped as a compact building, inspired by form and position of the local vernacular architecture.
The massing is generated by the existing and proposed paths, to which complete permeability is left. The building is thus emptied to allow passage and connection between different accesses to the site; the roof rises and tilts to suggest the entrances, allowing the architecture to integrate harmoniously into the surrounding context.
Designed with: Studio AFSa + aei progetti
Status: Competition Program: School Site: Neirivue-CH Project Year: 2019
1807 Villa Boulevard
Villa Boulevard is a three years long renovation project of a liberty villa. The project maintain some of the iconic element of the original building, such as the facades and the internal stone staircase, while the whole interior has been redesign to respond to the current needs of the client.
The palette of new materials and design elements inserted generate a dynamic dialogue with the liberty character of the building.
Photos by: Valentina Muscedra
Status: Built Program: Residential Site: Florence-IT Project Year: 2018-2019
1913 Blue Eyes House
The private apartment is located in an historical building in the center of Milan. The apartment has been adapted to the needs of a young family, with a clear division between the day and night area. The living room, kitchen, studio, and game area are organised along the square, in constant contact with the city, while the three bedrooms and services face the quiet inner courtyard.
The house is articulated around a functional spine, that is both a division wall and a functional belt, where the arches and their color mark the threshold between the two areas of the house.
Photos : Piercarlo Quecchia (DSL Studio)
Status: Completed Program: Residential Site: Milan-IT Project Year: 2019-2020
1908 Nepomuk
The idea is to create three separate buildings to ensure maximum transparency towards the interior gardens. The three buildings are physically separated but are designed as a single composition, in fact, the height increases gently as you approach the corner, the point of maximum height. Most of the gardens are destined for the inhabitants of the complex, while a strip located near the buildings is intended for private gardens, in direct connection with the apartments. The plants develop around a central core composed of stiff “wet” blocks (bathrooms on which kitchens are attached) and vertical distribution, each floor has four apartments. In the 3 blocks, there are different situations due to urban planning requests and therefore the 3 blocks have terraces in different points, creating a certain variation.
Designed with: Kollektiv A Architektur
Status: Competition Program: Residential Site: Munich-DE Project year: 2019
1914 Carnophobia
The project is a speculation about a near future where the environmental condition will be so compromised because of our meat consumption, that the International Organisation will have to take a severe position.
Nowadays the meat production is responsible for 1/4 of the greenhouses gas, and according to the previsions it is a number that will keep on growing in the coming years.
What will it happen if the actual trend does not change?
In a future were veganism will be the norm on speciesism, and meat eaters will be first denigrated and then banned, what would it be the future of the meat related architectural typologies? The project is an exploration on butchers, slaughterhouses, meat farms, their new function and meaning in a society with different consumptions.
Status: Completed Program: Research Site: Deutsche Hygiene Museum Dresden-DE Project year: 2019
1905 Borgo Stella
The focus of renovation was to resolve some functional aspect of living the apartment, the project transform those critical issues in new spaces that change spatiality of the flat. Before the intervention, people need to cross living room to reach shower from bathroom. Our idea is to close this space and make this link as a part of the bathroom. This space is clustered with a small closet and a garret in order to create a small architecture that animate the space of the apartement.
Designed with: Margherita Basso. Photos by: Lorenzo Ferroni
Status: Built Program: Residential Site: Florence-IT Project year: 2019
The Frame Store is designed and built by students of the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK), using materials by Pyrasied to create a retail space that reflects the Frame brand. The concept of duality and Frame’s mission to empower spatial excellence were the inspiration for the design. The store FRAME x KABK was built for the first time during the DDW 2016. After this collaboration FRAME Publishers decided to work again with students from the Interior Architecture and Furniture Design department of the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague under the guidance of Caret and Agency Agency.
Status: Built Program: Pop-up Store Site: Eindhoveen-NL Project year: 2017
1703 New Proximities
Taufkirchen is considered a blueprint for the upcoming development of the city, a new coexistence of work and production together with a set of collective spaces. The different nature of the blocks are physically declared in its image. The two-storey podium attracts different functions serving as the entrance for the residential units and connects the parking plot. The residential building is a linear block placed on top of the podium. The architectural ambition is to develop a language based on simple modules cabable of hosting the complexity of the new forms of working and living; a modularity that allows to place the system in different contexts without losing its expression.
Designed with: Enrico Casagni
Status: Competition - First prize ex-equo Program: Housing+Working spaces Site: Munich-DE Project year: 2017
1201 House C
The project consists in the renovation and extension of an existing house in the center of Viareggio. We thought at the functional elements as separate volumes able to enrich the spaces with multiple functions: in this way the roof of the kitchen becomes an external stair that connects the garden and balcony while the laundry is merged to the internal stair to become a separation element between the “public” and the private part of the house. Traditional materials are used in a functional way, structural choices give the maximum flexibility to the interior spaces.
Photos by: Lorenzo Ferroni
Status: Built Program: Private House Site: Viareggio-IT Project year: 2012
1401 Bacherstraße
The group selected by the jury of Europan12 in 2013 was invited by the client to join a second phase of selection, further developing the design of a housing complex in Munich and rethinking some of the principles. The three housing blocks are separated by glazed bodies with the dual function of expanding the space of living while shielding the court from the noise of Chiemgaustrasse. The different types of apartment rotate around the service “core”: the bedroom faces the courtyard with small terraces while the living area is protected from the main road on south through an efficient frame in terms of noise reduction. The project won this second phase of selection.
Designed with: Luca Belatti + Enrico Casagni
Status: Competition - First prize Program: Housing Site: Munich-DE Project year: 2017
1601 Innovating Primary
The new center for social and youth aggregation of Poggibonsi is articulated into the three volumes of school, gym, civic center. The school block is oriented along the south-east axis to get the best solar radiation and faces the new public park. The gym occupies the opposite side of the lot and marks a reference point for pedestrians arriving from the town center. The civic center is the connecting hub between the school and the gym on the one axis, and between the driveway and the pedestrian entrance on the other. Here takes shape the Agora, focal point of the project, a flexible double-height space that visually and functionally connects the system and whose wooden terraced stair is place for socialization, space for concerts and events.
Designed with: Enrico Casagni
Status: Competition Program: School+Gym+Civic center Site: Poggibonsi-IT Project year: 2016
1102 Civic Central
Castelnuovo is a small town severely hit by a heartquake in 2009, after wich the inhabitants were forced to move in an emercengy camp nearby, living in temporary homes with no space for common activities. With the University of Florence we designed a prefabricated wooden technology civic center hosting church, offices, polifunctional spaces and day-hospital. The three main blocks reflect three groups of functions, the intersetion generates a distribution hall with the services.
Designed with: Enrico Casagni + Elisa Di Martino
Status: Un-built Program: Civic center Site: L'Aquila-IT Project year: 2012
1502 FFF
This facade renovation project of an existing building aims to rediscover an original condition, highlighting the qualities of the building and reducing the problematic aspects. The first operation was to give more importance to the street level by creating a horizontal stone-effect band in shades of green, in continuity with the interior spaces. The next step was to work on the upper volume in order of achieving more graceful proportions, inserting relieved portions between the two levels of restored windows to get the perception of a single overlying element.
Status: Built Program: Facade Redesign Site: Barga-IT Project year: 2015
1907 Limonaia Studio
The project is the reconversion of a 1930's lemon greenhouse into apartment. This glass and exposed-brick structure was built on a perimetral wall of the property, so the wall becomes the generating element of the interior spaces. kitchen, living, bedroom with its open wardrobe and bathroom follow each other, leaning on the wall. The choice of materials such as iron, handmade terracotta, concrete and the original wooden doors are a tribute to the history of the "Limonaia" and the Liberty style in Mugello. A small retreat in the countryside near Florence.
Status: On-going Program: Private house Site: Mugello-IT Project year: 2019
1804 Moiata Complex
Podere Moiata was a deteriorate agricultural complex made of a farmhouse, a barn and a shed. The project foresees the structural and sismic reinforcement of the existing buildings, besides few volumetric addition and the functional reorganization of the internal spaces for the conversion of the complex into a holiday residence. The typical features of rural tuscan architecture, such as exposed local stone and wood, are respected and emphasized with some modern details that play and dialogue with the tradition.
Status: On-going Program: Hotel Site: Mugello-IT Project year: 2018
1906 Dry–stones Pool
The project aims to harmonize swimming pool and landscape in a respectful way. The dry-stone walls of tuscan tradition are inspiration for the project, defining the geometries of solarium and swimming pool by keeping them together as a single entity. The pool overlooks the panorama of the valley and fits harmoniously into the topography of the land, adapts to the contours and emerges from the ground in a measured and balanced way with only some dry walls, giving the perception to have always been part of the history of the place.
Status: On-going Program: Swimming pool Site: Mugello-IT Project year: 2019